Julie Bergen is a CASC/ACSS Certified Supervisor-Educator and Spiritual Care Practitioner and Spiritual Care Specialist at St. Paul’s Hospital where she runs the CPE program. With experience in the provision of spiritual care in acute care and long-term care settings, Julie is also trained in Social Work and has worked with victims of intimate partner violence, homelessness and affordable housing, youth care, parenting support, and volunteer recruitment and training. Julie is ordained with Mennonite Church Saskatchewan.
Erika Mills is a CASC/ACSS Certified Supervisor-Educator and Spiritual Care Practitioner and Director of Spiritual Care at Santa Maria Seniors Home. She has past experience as a hospice chaplain, and as a spiritual care provider in long term care and acute hospital settings. She is an ordained Free Methodist pastor.
Margaret McCallum has specialized training in marriage and family therapy. She is a former faculty member Department of Family Medicine, University of Manitoba and a member of the Manitoba College of Social Workers. She has many years of experience in congregations and health care. She is a Teaching Supervisor (CPE), Spiritual Care Practitioner and Psychospiritual Therapist certified by the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care. She is ordained by the United Church of Canada. She has coauthored research which has been published in the Journal of Pastoral Care and Counselling.