The Saskatchewan Region of CASC/ACSS is pleased to make available financial assistance to any qualified student taking an advanced unit in one of the teaching sites in Saskatchewan when funds are available. The SIPE Teaching Supervisors are fully certified and able to teach advanced students. Please speak to the teaching supervisor for assistance is applying for this bursary.
Canadian Foundation for Spiritual Care:
Archie MacLachlan Memorial Award – Each year the Canadian Foundation for Spiritual Care sets aside a bursary fund intended to assist persons currently enrolled in Supervised Psychospiritual Education (SPE) under the auspices of the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care (CASC/ACSS) who are experiencing financial difficulty. Students may apply for the bursary once per fiscal year (June 1st to May 31st). Students must submit a completed application form that details their estimated financial expenditures and resources during the academic year. Incomplete or late application forms will not be considered. Please note that bursary funds are limited and vary from year to year.
Indigenous Bursary Fund – The Canadian Foundation for Spiritual Care has funds available to support Indigenous peoples applying to take CPE. In the standard Bursary application, you will be asked if you are applying for the Indigenous Bursary fund.